cul·i·nar·i·an: person who prepares food

nov·ice: someone new to a field or activity

Thursday, April 22, 2010

ANYONE can cook!

i bought this dvd for o when he's older because: 1. it was cheap 2. it comes highly recommended from friends who know we love food and 3. it has a darling story line

the main theme of the movie: anyone can cook!

i loved it! i highly recommend showing your kiddos (who are old enough not to be too scared by villians, and flying rats, and hanging dead rats from traps) to encourage a love of cooking and all things kitchen!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

mini lessons in food.

everything i do in my house is an opportunity for introducing lessons to my little o. for instance, instead of simply letting him play as i chop, steam and puree his fruit, i give him a chance to learn with four of his senses. as i chop up his food, i describe what i am doing and give him little pieces to nibble on. he gets to learn the texture and taste and smell of these foods, and watches me from his little high chair as i prepare all his food. it is a really enjoyable way to spend time with the little one and get things done!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Martha's Meyer Lemon Crepe Cake

so i was informed that at Easter Breakfast at our church was a big to-do. i had never yet attended because we were always out of town for easter. i began researching what i wanted to create, and came upon this Martha Stewart recipe in my newest Easter edition of Martha Stewart LIVING. needless to say, it looked nothing like the amazing picture, but, mine turned out delectable, nonetheless, and it's not quite as hard to do if you substitute a few things. it got rave reviews from our friends at church.

instead of making her crepes, make your own. my recipe is from my dad and came from a 1970's recipe book, of which i can't name off the top of my head:


1 cup plus 2 tb sifted flour
4 tb sugar
pinch salt
(put in bowl)

3 eggs beaten
1 1/2 c. milk
throw in a hint of vanilla (1 tsp)

(pour into flour mix, whisk until smooth)
then add 1 tb melted butter

put 1 tb butter on pan to prepare it, low heat
makes a great pile of crepes for 2-3 people

then use the martha stewart recipe:

and instead of making her exact meyer lemon curd mousse, create your own with one jar of lemon curd (found in the jam aisle--i never knew!!!) and heavy whipping cream and some sugar. mix to taste.

hers looks incredible in the magazine....

Meyer Lemon Crepe Cake

my mousse was a little runny...mine turned out looking like this:

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

i'm no culinary artist

i love food. i love to eat it. preparing it...well, it hasn't always been my strong point. seven and a half years of marriage, i have cooked maybe a dozen dinners. what can i say, i am spoiled that my husband loves cooking and i love eating it and cleaning up afterwards. a turning point in my life? cooking class. last month, chet and i went to a cooking class that we had been given as a gift three christmases ago. that little afternoon experience sparked a few things in me and i have been "chewing" on them (pun definitely intended) for the last few weeks. being in the class, i had a hands-on experience, and was able to be instructed in doing things in the kitchen. i learned the right way to do things, hints for making things easier, and even got to work with preparing meat before cooking it, which has always been the most intimidating part of entering the kitchen world... here are my thoughts:

1. i need to actually "get in" my kitchen, and be content when it gets dirty and messy.
2. i need to make food besides crepes, enchiladas and scones.
3. i need to be comfortable with being creative (i think that comes later after i have had experience).
4. i wish i would have taken my mom up on the many offers to learn to cook (as a young teen, there was always something more interesting on tv, a note to write a friend, or...dare i say, homework to do!)
5. i am absolutely inspired daily by my husband's love for all things culinary...i mean who loves shopping in sur la table for fun, or who asks for specialty knives for a birthday?

a weekend away last weekend, caused us to have "resting time" in which we had access to television, and we watched food network all weekend. ok, this sent me over the edge.

i watched an episode of some show, i don't remember the host, in which we learned to make homemade pie, from scratch!!!! now i can bake, but cooking is not my forte. but within the baking realm, there's a whole other world that i haven't even scratched the surface of! while i have been making cookies, crepes, scones and fruit breads, there's pies, pastries, and homemade bread to be made!

this blog is merely a chance to encourage all those ladies out there who are great at cleaning and taking care of a house, but haven't dabbled much in the world of cooking. yes, i know we are few and far between (most moms are super moms and amazing at everything, especially cooking) but i didn't really have the desire to do so, until i had more than two mouths to feed! owen's time is coming soon (teeth on their way) to be able to eat what we do, and i want him to remember great cooking!

i also intend to just share great recipes that i find! i try to stay in a healthier realm, but being that our family loves taste and all things tasty, well, i'll give most anything a chance! enjoy!

so here's to the culinary journey ahead!!!!!