cul·i·nar·i·an: person who prepares food

nov·ice: someone new to a field or activity

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fresh 'N Easy

I had my doubts.
It seemed grim and looked expensive.
I have to admit, my husband went first.

...and we haven't turned back since.

If you want amazing prices and good food,
look no farther.

The best sourdough bread
the yummiest, thick english muffins,
pomegranate seeds....

Try it.
You'll love it.

My favorite part:
The $5 off coupon I get in the mail every week!

This week's deal:
A box of Macaroni and Cheese 99 cents. There are other off brand ones for 39 cents, but I thought that for a few cents more, it was nice to know the brand...

Anyways, Mac N Cheese is amazing if you mix cream cheese in with the packet, the butter and sub 1/2 of the dairy needed with heavy whipping cream and then milk. YUM. Pop some cooked and cut hot dogs in, and you have yourself an afternoon lunch for your toddler. (Okay, maybe I "sampled" some....)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

great baking activities for toddlers

What a blessing Jiffy Mix was today for my little man and I to bake today! I highly recommend the 50 cents it takes to buy a box, as there are three ingredients and it is a very simple and enjoyable activity for the both!