cul·i·nar·i·an: person who prepares food

nov·ice: someone new to a field or activity

Monday, July 11, 2011

what to do with a bucket of lemons?

so it's been what, a year since i blogged about food? not my forte i guess, but i have come to understand a few things about what i love and what i need to do in the kitchen:

1. i love to cook with my husband more than doing it alone.
2. i am super weird about clean counters, i am learning how to "get my hands dirty".
3. it's fun when there's a theme each week. (this week's theme is fruit)
4. it's okay that i am not cooking every day in the kitchen. my husband LOVES cooking and i love cleaning and helping him in the kitchen. that is what God made us for.

so here's my first installation of our fruit-themed week:

after a jaunt over to my friend beth's house for a bucket of lemons (seriously, it was a full bucket...oops, got carried away), i sat scrolling through looking for recipes. i finally came across this one: Lemon Cream Meringue Pie.

it was to die for. a lot of work, but worth every bit of it.

(*we substituted homemade graham cracker crust for the dough one)


  1. OOooohhhh, I'm drooling! That looks perfect! Like, picture perfect! So, uh, good thing you got a picture. :)
