cul·i·nar·i·an: person who prepares food

nov·ice: someone new to a field or activity

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Grilled Cheese

Simple, yet perfect for a foggy day like husband taught me how to make the best grilled cheese at the beginning of our marriage, and I've never turned back!

Used sliced parmesan bread (from Fresh n Easy) and butter (I soften the butter so it spreads easier, about 7-10 seconds) the outsides. Then sprinkle parmesan cheese onto the butter and lightly sprinkle shredded cheese on the outside. Flip to outside quickly so all the cheese is under bread, grilling. Add shredded cheese inside the sandwich and put the other buttered piece on top. Sprinkle more parmesan cheese and shredded cheese on that side for when you flip the bread over. Results are the most amazing crispy cheese on the outside, soft cheese on the inside grilled cheese sandwiches.

Grilled Cheese

Monday, October 24, 2011

Butternut Squash Soup

so now that lobster season is back, i've been trying to think of fun, festive fall sides to go with. after all, my husband has perfected lobster scrambled eggs, lobster mac n' cheese, lobster grilled cheese, lobster dip, everything lobster...

today, after cleaning the house (and loving every minute of it!), i decided the fog was beckoning me to stay in my kitchen and get creative. so i set out to do something creative with my butternut squash that my husband harvested...

so i found this recipe for butternut squash and pretty much followed it, with a few tweaks here and there...

i cut the squash in half, dug out the seeds, laid them face up in the baking dishes. i then drizzled olive oil on top, sprinkled pretty liberal amounts of salt and pepper, and then decorated with ginger, ground cinnamon, freshly ground nutmeg, and cloves. i roasted them for 30 minutes on 375 and then turned them over and roasted them for another half hour. then i dug out the meat inside half the squashes and blended them with whipping cream. then i sauteed 1/4 of a chopped white onion and one chopped shallot. blended it all together. then took out a dutch oven, sauteed a shallot with olive oil and poured the soup mixture in, and then the scooped out meat from the other half of the squashes. finally, simmered the soup and dished it out! had enough that i was able to bring them to our somis neighbors too!:)