cul·i·nar·i·an: person who prepares food

nov·ice: someone new to a field or activity

Sunday, January 15, 2012

new years meals

so i have followed through on my new year's resolution to cook more. it doesn't mean i'm cooking every day (let's be real here folks) but i have made a few meals and the reviews are going well!

first meal was pork kebabs with squash and sauteed greens, and ended up being a huge winner. i learned how to prepare pork for the first time and the flavors were phenomenal. even though my husband barely had a sense of taste and smell, it went well. i would definitely make and eat it again.

my second meal was chicken tortilla soup. this particular choice was from scratch... everything was done from scratch, it was a lot of time and a whole lot of work (just ask christina who sat at my kitchen table chatting with me as i did all the prep work :)) i wouldn't pick it to make again but i am thankful that i learned a few things from it. i learned a few ways to cook chicken, learned how to make a chicken soup base from scratch, and got to use cotija cheese (which will be my new obsession).

all in all, i learned a few things about myself.

1. the hardest part of cooking is picking the recipe
2. getting to the store & keeping my little man interested as i get all the ingredients is the second hardest part
3. i don't mind getting my kitchen dirty
4. prep work is super fun
5. it's so rewarding eating my hard work
6. there's nothing like making my boys happy with cooking

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